I hate to admit it, but I suppose blogging is the ultimate vanity press. Nonetheless, some legitimate authors, such as my friend John Shore, are prolific bloggers. I myself am anything but legitimate as an author, having authored nothing, save this little blog--which about 6 people have set eyes upon. This is where the vanity aspect comes in.
I began blogging simply because it was so simple to set up. I had been sent to a blog [cindyred60.blogspot.com/] by its author and, wanting to leave a comment (Note to my readers: You need to leave a comment on blogs you read--don't just be a troll!) Anyway, I'd read her blog and wanted to leave a comment. To do so, I had to register. In the process of registering, I was invited to "build a Blog." So I selected one of the templates offered and began. I filled in some heading and, before I knew it, Bodda-bing, bodda-boom, blogspot informed me, "your blog is now published." At that point, I saw I needed to add a post, which I did--post haste! (See my first post, DON'T Do Random Acts of Kindness). That was what got the whole blogalicious thing started.
Once I saw my, wow--actual bi-line in print, online, I was, of course, instantly hooked and thinking I was, kind-of-like, well, "published." Of course I was no such thing. Being published means that some legitimate real publisher believes he can sell what you've written to enough people to make you and the publishing company a decent profit. Obviously, blogging is a million miles from being "a published author." Yet--yet--it has the illusion of being "published." That's why, after my email marketing campaign (sending an announcement to my family and Friends in my contacts list) I was anxious to see if anyone had left a comment or had became a "follower." How thrilled I was when I got the first comment on my very first post! Wow--success--someone, it didn't matter who, actually read something I wrote and left a comment!
Much to my (spiritual) chagrin, I still have a very active ego that needs/seeks stroking--in the form of affirmation of my creative effort(s). That, I suppose, is at the heart of all vanity publishing and, now that I think of it, a good deal of legitimate publishing. as well. Vanity publishing is a sad enterprise if ever there was one. My dad used a vanity publisher to print a book about his career as a Physician's Assistant. He actually had an interesting story and, with a ghost writer, may have eventually interested a real publisher. As it was, he wrote a book and paid a vanity publisher to print x number of copies. I'm glad he did. It motivated him, and let him share important aspects of his life with family and friends.
It is late Saturday evening. I have much more to say and can/will say it better in a day or two.... stayed tuned for our We'll Publish Your Poem Contest!
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