Thoughts, musings and insights presented with a decent attempt at wit, an amateurish stab at humor and in the hope of occasionally delivering a tidbit of wisdom.
I'm a big fan of G.K. Chesterton, George MacDonald and C.S. Lewis. A couple of other authors I like are Paul Johnson and Wallace Stegner. I prefer radio to TV and listen to Dennis Prager, Mark Levine and Glenn Beck. I enjoy photography, reading, cooking, good conversation, singing old hymns and smoking fine cigars. I belong to a downtown church and am director of the charity program there, Ladle Fellowship. Your comments and suggestions are very welcomed and much appreciated.
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God took hold of my life in 1972 in the midst of the Jesus Movement. If you are interested in learning more about that history--and about how I was seduced (intellectually and spiritually) from atheism and radical/revolutionary politics into being a follower of Jesus then go to and to the archive for May of 2009. There you will find my Father's Day Revisited series. All these many years later and I am still in awe of the miracle of my conversion. Praise be to God!
For more info, go to
The riddles of God are more satisfying than the solutions of man. --The Book of Job: An introduction (1907)
If there were no God, there would be no atheists. -- Where All Roads Lead, 1922
It is true that I am of an older fashion; much that I love has been destroyed or sent into exile. - The Judgement of Dr. Johnson, Act III
Readers have said...
I just read about your poetry contest! When is it? How do I enter? What's the prize? I've been making poems for two years! Since 5th grade! One of them was even published in a book! It's about a pretty unicorn! I love unicorns! Please tell me how to enter! --Heather Binkley San Diego
This blog stinks! I can't believe you would dump on B of A the way you did. I'm never going to read another one of your stupid posts. You and your fat friend GK Chesterton can go jump in a lake! PS--And take your stinky cigars with you!! -anon
Bad Poetry Contest!
Later this year we will be announcing our annal Random Acts of Bad Poetry contest. So in the meantime, don't automatically crumple up that stinker and toss it in the recycle bin--save it for our contest. You could be our next big winner!